Physics 129 C: Mathematical Methods of Physics
Announcement, March 30, 2020
Further information on the course, including Zoom link to on-line lectures (both on-time and recorded), homework, exams, etc will be posted on the Moodle site. You can access to it with your Caltech credential. The "enrollment key" for the course is "oguri" (all lower case) – it's not a password, but students will need to enter that one time to add themselves into the course site.
Course Information for Spring 2020
Instructor: Hirosi Ooguri
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:25 am at 269 Lauritsen
Office Hours: xxx at 452 Lauritsen
Teaching Assistant:
TA Office Hours:
Homework Return: xxx Lauritsen,, or by appointment
- Letter Grades: 50% homework, 20% midterm exam, 30% final exam
- Homework is assigned on every Thursday, due on Thursday of the following week.
- Homework extension policy: one-time one week extension is allowed.
- Midterm exam (take home):
- Lecture Notes
- George Arfken, Hans Weber, and Frank Harris, "Mathematical Methods for Physicists," Elsevier.
Recommended books (not required):
- Lars Ahlfors, "Complex Analysis," McGraw-Hill.
- Richard Courant and David Hilbert, "Methods of Mathematical Physics," Wiley-VCH.
- E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, "A Course of Modern Analysis," Cambridge University Press.
- There are excellent on-line resources such as WolframAlpha.
We will cover:
- Complex Analysis
- Special Functions
- Differential Equations
- Integral Transforms
Homework Problem Sets
Assigned on every other classs, due in one week.
Midterm and Final Exams
The exams are take-home. You can use my lecture notes and your own notebooks. You are not allowed to use other books or computer softwares. You should not search solutions on internet. You can take as long as you like to solve the problems, provided you submit your solutions by the due date. You can collaborate with other students, but you should write your own solutions.